This is the combined context in the chapter LOYALTY AND CHEATING, from the book VOCABUILDER (স্পয়লার আছে)
In the book/movie ‘Lord of the Rings’, Boromir was bound to show his Allegiance / Fealty / Fidelity (বিশ্বস্ততা) to Aragorn (the true king). But he showed Treachery / Trickery / Perfidy / Chicanery / Skulduggery / Deception (বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা) when the time came.
Boromir wasn’t actually a Treacherous / Perfidious / Insidious / Capricious (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ) man. He wanted to be chivalrous / Steadfast / Stalwart (বিশ্বাসী), but it was the magic ring which made him disloyal; and then he Betrayed / Bilked / Hoodwinked / Gulled / Chiseled (প্রতারণা করেছিলো) his companions.
became a traitor because of the ring
He broke everyone’s Confidence / Credence / Conviction (বিশ্বাস). Though he was not known for gullibility / Credulity (সহজে বিশ্বাস করার এবং ধোঁকা খাওয়ার ঝোঁক), they ring made him so Gullible / Credulous / Naive (সহজে ধোঁকা দেয়া যায় এমন), that he turned into a Renegade / Turncoat (বিশ্বাসঘাতক)।